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A Little Bit About a Lot of Things

A lifestyle blog with a focus on my food adventures


It was a rainy afternoon, and a weird hour. We had missed lunch and we were running non stop errands. We drove by a Taco Bell and there was a request to stop in. I grew up on McDonald’s…and now when I have the craving and go, my stomach hurts for a month – you have to build up an iron stomach for that stuff. But I draw the line at Taco Bell and am proud to say I’ve never eaten there. The main draw for the stop request was of course the Cool Ranch Dorito Taco. You’ve seen the commercials. I concede to stopping and wait in the car. Here’s what the Taco Bell photo looks like:

Cool Ranch

Doesn’t even look all that appealing on the website…


Here’s what we got…


There was almost no meat. I had one bite, and while I can’t accurately describe what it tasted like…it did not taste like a Cool Ranch Dorito. So…that was the first and last time we will make a stop at Taco Bell. 🙂

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